by Olivia | 3:17 pm

If Roses Grow In Heaven

If roses grow in Heaven Lord Please pick a bunch for me. Place them in my mother’s arms and tell her they are from me. Tell her I love her and miss her, and

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by Olivia | 11:30 pm

The role of a god mother

The role of a god mother – As written by someone that had one, needed her and then became one. When a child is born it is important to their parents that they know

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by Olivia | 12:10 am


Well we are finally all moved into the new house and we are all squared up and finished in the place in Moycullen. It was like a weight lifted from our shoulders handing back

367 words ()
by Olivia | 8:30 pm

Cat Sitting

I never knew until recently that people could actually make a living out of cat sitting or animal sitting while people are away but now seems so much more realistic having hired a cat

252 words ()
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